creative workshops

Every activity and workshop organized and conducted within Fermata d’Autobus has a specific playful and creative purpose, which is a fundamental resource for stimulating the acquisition of manual skills and developing forms of expression.

The creative workshops are led by the artist Cristina Mandelli, with the aim of creating handmade items using various techniques, including screen printing, painting, drawing, silk painting, and ceramics.

The activities involve three fundamental phases:
- The first phase is project planning, during which participants decide on the theme of the collection and the models and graphics to be created.
- The second phase involves experimentation with both the materials and the printing techniques to be used.
- The final phase is when the definitive items are made.

A special thanks goes to the Compagnia di San Paolo for supporting the realization of the workshop through a contribution for the "La Bottega di Penelope" Project.4o mini

Cristina Mandelli

Creative Workshops

Pottery Workshop
Screen Printing and Drawing Workshop
Silk Workshop
< Return to expressive therapeutic groups.