residential  care

These are highly personalized projects created in apartments that can accommodate from a minimum of one to a maximum of four people and intended for individuals who present difficulties at various levels.

> Difficulties within the family of origin;

> Poor ability to manage everyday life;

> Difficulty in carrying out an occupational activity;

> Difficulty in managing one's condition of dependence;

> Difficulties in school and social relationships.

The objective of the intervention is to allow the individual to increase their level of awareness, to support their potential and their abilities in identifying alternative strategies to those adopted up to that moment. The intervention is carried out by a multidisciplinary team made up of professionals with proven experience, whose presence is modulated on the needs of the individual until total coverage is activated in emergency situations. In moments of absence of the operators, a telephone availability service is guaranteed.

The activation of the project involves a phase of knowledge and observation which flows into the development of the individualized project tailored to the needs of the subject. The interventions envisaged range from individual psychotherapy to that of group, from family therapy to psychiatric consultancy, from scholastic support to support in managing daily life, to any intervention deemed functional to the treatment of the subject.

Part of the home interventions carried out by our Association were supported by the Compagnia di San Paolo, through the financing of thel Progetto «Casa dolce casa».

Christian Graziani

Responsible for Apartments Moncalieri.