
2024 EVENTs

Giuseppe Iacopetta

Gliacrobati Kids Free art workshop inspired by Giuseppe Iacopetta. Discovering the papier-mâché technique Conducted by Massimo Ricciardo and Gaetano Verde Recommended age group 8-12 years Activity included in the project “Art for inclusion. Community, social and virtual" presented to the City of Turin, Guidelines 2024


Francesco Iacopetta

Curated by Francesco Poli
Contributions by Tea Taramino and Chiara Borgaro

Giuseppe Iacopetta is a self-taught artist born in 1948 in Gioiosa Ionica, Reggio Calabria (Italy). In 1965 he moved to Turin , where he started a men's hairdressing business. Thanks to this profession, he came into contact with some Turin artists who introduced him to the world of art, encouraging him to pursue his parallel passion for sculpture. exhibited his works both in Italy and abroad. He is represented by the Rizomi Arte gallery in Parma (Italy), which presented him at the Outsider Art Fair in Paris in 2016, 2017 and 2018, as well as in the “In/carta/mi” exhibition in 2018. His works have also been exhibited in New York from the Japanese gallery Yukiko Koide Presents in 2018 and again in 2024 on the occasion of the Outsider Art Fair. His first solo exhibition, “Incontri”, was held in 1997 at the Arteincornice modern art gallery in Turin. Francesco Tabusso and Francesco Poli, among others, have written about him.


Art Brut Rendez Vous
22 - 25 May 2024
Espace Cinko, Paris
Artists on exhibition: Cavallo Cosimo, Codega Stefano, Daneo Nicoletta, De Vito Giacomo, Filardi Lorenzo, Iacopetta Giuseppe, Molinario Fabrizio, Preve Giovanna, Rolle Mauro, Vetrano Alessandro

Cosimo Cavallo

Gliacrobati Kids organizes workshops for children conducted by Cosimo Cavallo. These are 3 free art events for primary school children, which will be held in the gallery for three consecutive Thursdays.

Claudio Salvago

8 -31 May
InGenio Contemporary Art
Personal exhibition by Claudio Salvago curated by Chiara Borgaro and Margherita Data.
The exhibition is organized in collaboration with Gliacrobati and for the occasion the limited edition fanzine (30 copies) created by Margherita Data will be presented. Furthermore, for the inauguration there will be an AWER DJ set created starting from the sound art works of the artist Claudio Salvago.

Cosimo Cavallo

Curated by Luca Atzori.
12 April - 30 May 2024

The personal exhibition of Cosimo Cavallo opens on Friday 12 April. Five years after the exhibition dedicated to the artist in 2019 and curated by Marzia Capannolo and Francesco Sena, who placed the ink production on paper in dialogue with oil on heterogeneous supports made it possible to identify new levels of interpretation of the work, giving painting a central role in the artist's expressive tension. Gliacrobati returns to recompose the stages of the long journey in the life and art of Cosimo Horse through a new exhibition, in which a significant quantity of works centered on the representation of the face is presented.Catalogue with a contribution by Marzia Capannolo.

Prinp editore.
The exhibition will also open online on the website:


Equivalent reconnaissances > Between male and female
8 March 2024
Artistic research workshop
Artist/presenter: Sara Conforti Hòfer

“It's not necessary to fly up to the sun, just crawl to a clean place on the earth where every now and then the sun makes its appearance and you can warm up a little.” Franz Kafka - Letter to his fatherThe "PATER" research workshop, led by the artist Sara Conforti Hòfer in the evocative setting of the Gliacrobati Gallery in Turin, offers participants an experience of exploration and reflection on the father figure in the context of Women's Day. The duration of the workshop is two and a half hours, during which an inclusive and open space is provided for men and women to deepen their bond with the father figure. Each participant is invited to bring with them a garment that belonged to their father, or alternatively one of their own, together with a significant photo of him or with him. This symbolic gesture helps to create an empathetic and shared environment, allowing participants to share their family experiences in an intimate and reflective context.Through the tools of artistic practice, the workshop offers an opportunity for introspection and personal growth, generating a dialogue open and profound among the participants. The culmination of the workshop is represented by the experiential embroidery activity, a symbolic moment that marks the process of connecting and reworking shared family experiences. Collective manual practice offers the possibility of creatively expressing one's emotions and reflections, transforming the symbolic material of clothing and photos into new objects full of personal meaning..

Fabrizio Roccatello

curated by Bianca Tosatti and Tea Taramino
15 February - 30 March 2024

The works, which at first glance appear playful, at a second glance reveal and convey the anxieties that inhabit the artist. They are frankly polychrome sculptures, polished with mastery, which seem to be partly inspired by pop culture and twentieth-century design, and at the same time endowed with a symbolic visual language that makes one think of neo-surrealism, but with some touches of noir. They are works , contraptions, which invite you to think and offer themselves to interaction both through mechanical devices - which intentionally influence the posture of those who act - and through provocative messages made of sharp nails, of inquiring glances, coming from objects, dolls and amputated dolls , denouncing the deprivations imposed by current generations on those of the future. The works are full of critical messages on human behavior. Fabrizio Roccatello works artisanally with the traditional means and ways dictated by the ancient knowledge of the professional restorer: “My sculptures are composed of different essences: noble and poor woods. Walnut, cherry, pear and mahogany are considered valuable essences for their grain and their compact grain; beech, chestnut, oak, poplar, pine and fir are poor because they are resinous, tender and coarse-grained". Particularly significant is the symbol of the eye as a "room", an immediate non-significant presence, precisely because drowned by its ineffable evidence of being an eye qua eye. Evento was born as part of the Panopticon project.

Visioni Yoruba Taofic Adeyinka

On the occasion of Black History Month
Visioni YorubaTaofic Adeyinka
1 - 10 February 2024
Curated by Elena Radovix and Barbara Bordin
Critical text by Edoardo Di Mauro

L’Arte rivela il segreto delle cose

20 January - 3 March 2024

Maps, mythologies and vaults curated by Giorgio BedoniPalazzina Trombini, Melegnano.
Works by Cosimo Cavallo will be at the exhibition.


"Fermata d’Autobus"
has always integrated therapeutic intervention with the promotion and organization of artistic and cultural initiatives open to the public.

Corpi Infranti e Figure Sublimi

The international conference "Corpi Infranti e Figure Sublimi" which accompanied the exhibition "Abusi. Testimonianze da una comunità terapeutica" was an opportunity, thanks to the intervention of authoritative experts in the sector, to delve deeper into the monographic theme of the exhibition and to present some female figures of contemporary art.  

Massimo Greco, artist and curator of the exhibition with Carola Lorio, illustrated the works on display, the result of laboratory activities with the patients of the "Fragole Celesti" female community and the role of art in this context of care. This was followed by an investigation into some paradigmatic female figures of twentieth-century contemporary art. The figures outlined use art as an expression of a problematic interiority which leads them to reject the canons of the society in which they live which wanted them to be "angels of the hearth" and where being artists was synonymous with inferiority.  The psychoanalyst Laurie Wilson illustrated the controversial figure of the painter/sculptor Louise Nevelson, considered among the most illustrious American artists of the post-war period. Since she was a child she wanted to be an artist, fighting against all prejudice. Anne Marie Dubois, psychiatrist, outlined the personality of Unica Zurn, an artist who, following numerous crises and hospitalizations in psychiatric hospitals, managed to transform her art into a representation of the monsters of the unconscious. The filmmaker and art historian Sibylle Pieyre De Mandiargues, through a parallel with Unica Zun, has reported a passionate and engaging literary portrait of her mother Bona Tibertelli Pieyre De Mandiargues.  To follow, the social work of art and "society as a work of art par excellence" explains Giuseppe Frangi, "feasible only with everyone's participation". Fragments of the show "I bring myself to dance" by the psychiatrist and dance therapist Anna Gasco concluded the day.


Testimonies from a Therapeutic Community

The "Fermata d'Autobus" exhibition curated by Carola Lorio and Massimo Greco, is the result of laboratory activities started - starting from 2013 and still ongoing - within the treatment circuit of and with the patients of the community female Heavenly Strawberries. The creative workshops were conducted by artists or sector professionals and the experiential and productive participation of the patients was supported by a multidisciplinary team of professionals to guarantee their psychological safety and facilitate an individual path of expressive emancipation.

Abuse - Guido Chiesa

April 2017

Five actresses, six women, seven performances on the relationship between sexual abuse and addiction to drugs, food and alcohol.

Art therapy

It is an exhibition that took place over five weeks, allowing five different therapists to exhibit a series of works by their patients representative of their work and the interpretation they give of it.

The following participated:
Roberta Billè
Deborah Bormann
Luigino Bardini
Maria Luisa Camurati
Carola Lorio


Thanks to the invitation of the Dreamers, Cristina Mandelli and the girls from Fragole Celesti participated in the creation of a participatory dress, Familydress, for an installation that became a performance on the Artissima evening at the Toolbox.



CET is a non-profit association founded in 1992 by Mogol with the aim of enhancing and qualifying new pop music professionals, people sensitized to the importance of popular culture and the ethical needs of communication. “Fermata d'Autobus” has included a unique experience in its treatment paths: an internship to be spent at the CET (Centro Europeo Tuscolano) better known as “La Scuola di Mogol”, University Center of Excellence for Popular Music. With the collaboration of teachers of composition, interpretation and vocal technique, the tools necessary for artistic-musical creation are refined.

The CET is hosted in the heart of Umbria in an architectural complex that fits perfectly and respectfully into nature and culture.

Songs and drum
by Mauro Villone and Lidia Urani


by Cristina Mandelli

An exhibition project of the creative workshops conducted with users of the Il Glicine and Il Melograno communities of Fermata d'Autobus.


Art therapy workshops

Art therapy and relaxation group for women with emotional difficulties.

Festival of Irregular Art

This year the Festival which celebrates artists with "different" creativity who do not find space in normal exhibition channels will take place mainly online. From 2 to 4 October those who connect to the site you will be able to follow the entire Festival from the comfort of your home: you will be able to admire the Exhibition that isn't there. Four itineraries in irregular art, follow the interventions of the major experts in Outsider Art such as Giorgio Bedoni and Eva Di Stefano; follow Francesca Renda who accompanies us through the streets of Pratello, a historic district of Bologna, to discover the outsider artist Roberto Mastai; get excited with the Camelot Theater show which traces the story of the First Miracle of Baby Jesus from Dario Fo's Mistero Buffo.

To support the Festival, a crowdfunding campaign has been started onEppela

Jim Goldberg

Jim Goldberg is an important American photographer who has been awarded the Guggenheim Fellowship and the Cartier Bresson prize and joined Magnum in 2002. He is currently Professor Emeritus for the California College of the Arts. Goldberg's photographic work is centered on establishing a deep and lasting relationship with the individuals photographed. The subjects whose story he tells are often people on the margins of society. Explore a new way of telling stories by mixing images, texts, interviews, snapshots, found objects. Portraits of Americans living in dilapidated hotels and upper-class homes in the ''Rich and Poor'' series represent an impressive body of work on the American myth, power and the pursuit of happiness. His project on the young street delinquents of Los Angeles and San Francisco led to a book and an exhibition. His work is impressive in his travels of refugees, immigrants and populations traveling from war-torn and economically devastated countries in search of a safe home and financial means.Goldberg, having learned of our work, has always shared and supported it and has made the photos published here available to us.

6 fantastic homes

March / April 2017

Light installation with photographs documenting the creation process by the artist Paola Risoli in the spaces of Palazzo Barolo (Legnanino rooms. Turin). The work was born from the belief that art can be a healing tool for those who create it and for those who complete it by enjoying it. Paola Risoli, creator of the project, has been developing "art with people" practices for years which give life to collective social works.  6 women victims of abuse and violence from the "Fragole Celesti" Community have constructed, with the artist's support, a story of themselves, creating micro interiors that represent them and become vehicles of self-knowledge and communication.


March 2017

On the occasion of International Women's Rights Day, the Conference "Architecture of violence and emotional reconstruction" was held at Palazzo Barolo. Thanks to the contribution of Dr. Estela Welldon, the meeting was an opportunity to open a reflection on situations of difficulty and suffering that can characterize the lives of some women across entire generational axes. Dr. Estela Welldon is a psychiatrist honorary consultant in forensic psychotherapy at the Tavistock Portman NHS Trust. Born in Mendoza, Argentina, she studied medicine at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. She founded, and was elected honorary life president of, the International Association Forensic Psychotherapy in 1991. Her most notable publications include. "Mother, Madonna prostitute. New scenarios of Motherhood", Franco Angeli editor, and "Plying with Dynamite: a personal approach to the Psychoanalytic Understanding of Pervesions, Violence and Criminality".

Aptitude for fantasizing

June 2019

Conference that the art historian Dr. Bianca Tosatti held at the Gliacrobati Gallery. Always sensitive to the experiences that arise from psychological and social distress, Dr. Tosatti is an expert in Art Brut or Irregular Art, has published several studies on the topic, and has organized exhibitions and events. A teacher for many years, he held the role of consultant at the management of the Polytechnic School of Design in Milan.

European project – DEEP ACTS. Developing Emotional Education Pathways and Art Centered Therapy Services against gender violence

June 2020 - June 2022

With the two kick-off meetings, which took place on 16 and 17 June 2020 in Turin and on 23 and 24 June in Seville, "DEEP ACTS - Developing Emotional Education
Pathways and Art Centered Therapy Services against gender violence”, a project financed by the European “Rights, Equality and Citizenship” program and managed by a transnational partnership of organizations operating in Italy, Portugal and Spain. The objective of the project is to offer innovative methods and specific work tools, which involve the use of art therapy and emotional education, to professionals and organizations working in the prevention of gender violence. From June 2020 to June 2022 in Italy with Fermata d’Autobus, Portugal, Spain and online. With meetings, workshops, conferences, shows, videos, exhibitions and events. Two workshops are scheduled between 29 September and 5 October, both aimed primarily at the operators of the project partners, in which the results of the research conducted since June will be discussed and good practices and new learning will be exchanged. The workshop on the theme of emotional education, organized by the RUMBOS Cooperative of Seville, will take place in a mixed form (online and in person in Mairena del Aljarafe, province of Seville) from 29 September to 1 October. It will take place in person in Bologna (Italy), from 3 to 5 October the experiential workshop on the theme of art therapy, organized by the Turin association Fermata d'Autobus.


April 2019

Presentation of the catalog "Anatomie di un paesaggio e masse" by Vincenzo Lopardo.

Presentation of the book
Edit Kramer

March 2019

In the spaces of Gliacrobati, the book The Legancy of Edith Kramer - A Multifaceted View was presented. The book collects testimonies from a group of colleagues known internationally and tells the story of a pioneer of art therapy, Edith Kramer, making a contribution to her work in Italy. Texts and photographs by Wilma Cipriani, Raffaella Bortino and Carola Lorio.

The difference between aesthetic representation and aesthetic experience

January 2019

Dr. Wilma Cipriani, philosopher, psychologist, art therapist, was a guest of the Gliacrobati Gallery for a conference linked to the exhibition "The therapies of art". In this exhibition five art therapists presented patients' works created during art therapy sessions. The conference had as its theme "The difference between aesthetic representation and aesthetic experience" and tried to find a synthesis between the different methodological approaches and to illustrate how, after the modern discoveries of neuroscience, art therapy can be considered as of physiotherapy.

Il Patto della Montagna

November 2018

Fermata d'Autobus with Lalàgeatelier Clothing devices. As part of the international day for the elimination of violence against women, a screening of a documentary, the story of the first agreement in Europe which established equal pay between men and women.

Finissage, La Terapia dell’Arte

February 2018

Presentation of the publication "La Terapia dell’Arte", an exhibition that took place over five weeks, allowing five different therapists to exhibit a series of works by their patients, representative of their work and the interpretation they give of it.

Quando l’ansia infantile prende il sopravvento

The book tells a true story, told in first person by a mother who finds herself having to manage the onset of emetophobia (irrational fear of vomiting) in the life of her daughter and her family. While her daughter's condition worsens day by day: she becomes thinner and thinner, she refuses to leave the house, she uses a series of obsessive rituals, this mother realizes that normal weekly psychotherapy sessions are not enough and it is necessary to find specific treatment. Although emetophobia is one of the five most common phobias, it is still poorly understood and finding an adequate cure can be difficult. After various research, the mother finally arrives at the University Clinic of Miami which offers a targeted therapy: intensive gradual desensitization, which involves progressive exposure to the stimulus that causes the phobia, in this case vomiting. Over the course of the book, the therapeutic journey that gradually leads the young patient, but also her family, to manage and overcome the phobia is told. Following this experience, Micheline Cacciatore, the author, opened a blog “Deconstructed Emetophobia” in an attempt to reach out and be helpful to other parents who find themselves facing the same problem.

Micheline Cacciatore grew up in Massachusetts and attended the Walnut Hill School of Arts, where she studied ballet. After a bad injury, which prevented her from continuing her career as a professional dancer, she attended photography school. After working for a few years as a photographer, she returned to her true passion, dance, dedicating herself to teaching.

In 2010, Micheline sold her dance studio in Massachusetts to spend more time with her family. She still teaches dance and lives in Miami with her husband and two children.

Quando l'ansia infantile
prende il sopravvento

Presentation of the book by Micheline Cacciatore (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform) Turin International Book Fair
Speakers: Giorgio Maria Bressa and Wilma Cipriani

A psychiatrist and a psychologist discuss drawing inspiration from a book that recounts the experience of a mother's struggle alongside a daughter against emetophobia, a childhood anxiety that generates irrational fears.  "When childhood anxiety takes over" is Micheline Cacciatore's first book; the success of her blog, "Deconstructed Emetophobia", convinced her to write to reach even more people.

Psychosis and drug addiction: who is in whose shadow?

The need to identify the intersection between drug addiction and psychosis has been emerging for some time as an area to which greater attention should be paid. Hence the need to better focus on the predominant elements of both one and the other, deepening the quality of the resulting intertwining. For this reason we decided to dialogue with two experts from the psychoanalytic and phenomenological current who have been dealing with the problem for years .

Antonello Correale, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, ordinary member of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society (SPI) Gilberto Di Petta, neurologist and psychiatrist, DSM ASL NA 2 Nord

Workshops with artists

The workshop meetings have the aim of sharing, with a relatively small number of participants, some of the creative processes that distinguish contemporary artistic production. They take place over a weekend and are structured in the form of an internship in the studio of a Turin artist operating at a national or international level. Thanks to the generous availability of the host artists, invited from time to time to lead the individual workshop, the users, also involved operationally, are encouraged to create collective or individual artistic artefacts oriented towards experimentation with the support of the artist, sharing experience with him human and professional. Curated by Carola Lorio and Massimo Greco, the workshops are specially organized and commensurate with the previous experiences of Fermata d'Autobus users, for example those accumulated during some of the expressive workshops or in Art Therapy, with the aim of strengthening self-confidence, thanks to the stimulus of one's expressive intuitions and more generally of personal motivations, beyond the presumed artistic value of one's representations.

Laboratory Archive

Creative workshop with the artist Paolo Grassino
13-14 November 2010, at the atelier of Fermata d'Autobus l'Antenna in Moriondo, Moncalieri (To).

Creative workshop with the artist Paolo Leonardo
2009, at the artist's studio, Turin .

Fountain Project. Creative workshop with the artist Enrico Iuliano
12-13 July 2009, at the artist's studio, Turin.

For the workshop I thought of making fragments, waste and cuttings of materials present in my studio available: iron, wood, medium density, plexiglass, cardboard. Acrylic and synthetic colours, spray cans and brushes. We will work on the transformation of what we have available, assembling, overlapping, eliminating, coloring. To get in tune with the poetics of my work, it would be interesting to create a project, a drawing or a model of a fountain to be created later. Models of Vespas and silhouettes of Nibs could be the starting point around which to develop the idea: the nib as a fundamental element for writing, for dialogue; the wasp as an object capable, through the evocation of travel, of promoting the exchange of cultures. "Fountain of the Dialogue" could be the title for the work to be built later, based on the ideas arising from the meeting in the studio.

My city. Creative workshop with the artist Saverio Todaro
19-20 April 2008, at the artist's studio, Turin.

The meeting aims to create a representation of one's city through simple artistic techniques, such as assemblage and collage. The most disparate materials such as straws, cotton swabs, photo clippings, cans of various kinds and more become elements that, with different meanings, "build" our imaginary city: a way to combine play with work that allows us to visualize our perception of urban environment. A reflection on the responsibility of the urban architect who somehow organizes the relationship between man and society. A playful time that perhaps takes us back to childhood when we played with arranging the freshly made shopping on the kitchen table...

Creative workshop with the artist Francesco Sena 2008 c/o the artist's studio, Turin. Emotional paths.
Creative workshop with the artist Nicus Lucà
29-30 September 2007 c/o Ornato di Te, Turin.

Nicus Lucà proposes his personal life path, crossed by difficult moments and discomfort, from where he has drawn many of those motivations that still inspire his work today, focusing attention on the need to express one's emotion, on intended communication as a creative need, or rather a possibility of liberation, support and stimulus to overcome and exorcise both moments and needs of excess or subversion; starting from intuition, from the original idea that comes from life before art or technique, even before being a complete idea. The comparison will proceed from the presentation of Nicus Lucà's works, to suggest a common reference model, also functional to a debate, and then orient itself in the experimentation and creation of collective or individual artistic artefacts, with the fundamental contribution of all the participants and with the artist's support.

Seminar archive

Study day
Borderline Ocean. Lorna Smith Benjamin's Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy in the treatment of personality disorders.

The training event intends to address the issue of the difficult classification and clinical treatment of people with Personality Disorders. Dr. Lorna Smith Benjamin's approach is based on a naturalistic vision of personality development according to which personality is the final result of behavioral responses developed during childhood within interpersonal relationships with attachment figures. Day of study

Current trends and the future of addictions in light of the evolution of the clinical practice of the Marmottan Medical Center. Starting from the clinical evolution of the Marmottan Medical Center over the course of its 40 years of activity, the event aims to be a moment of common reflection on the future developments in the field of clinical intervention with patients suffering from addiction.

Program and speeches
10.00 - 13.00 Speech by Mario Blaise, (Psychiatrist and addiction specialist at the Marmottan Hospital, Paris).

Italian and foreign minors
It is intended to highlight some specific problems concerning Italian and foreign minors, victims and perpetrators of crime, in particular underlining some specific aspects which concern, in the first morning, minors within the penal circuit and, in the second morning , young women victims of trafficking, starting from the anthropological idea of ​​a body treated and experienced as a "modeled object". We will try to analyze the modeling and transformations that girls who are victims of trafficking make on their bodies.

Program and interventions
9.30-11.15. Psychological intervention on minor victims of trafficking, Francesca Vallarino Gancia (Precius Ugiagbe).
11.30-12.30. The detention experience of the foreign teenager, Elena Gheduzzi
12.30-13.30. A case of psychological intervention on a non-EU minor, Eloisa Pasqualotto
14.30-16. Experience of integrated therapy as a response to psychiatric disorders of minors in the penal field, Antonino Calogero
16-17.15. Debate.17.15-17.45. Learning verification test. Moderator: Giuseppe Centomani (director of the Center for Juvenile Justice of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta). Head of the Training Project: Raffaella Bortino.

Complexity and management of communities for adolescents: which structures? Which spaces?
The event aims to illustrate the characteristics of institutions for adolescents, with a view to analyzing the existing legislation on the subject and the general framework of complexity in which therapeutic communities operate and act.

Program and interventions
9.30-13. Therapeutic communities: a possible response to the needs of the adolescent, Enrico Pedriali (doctor, psychologist, group analyst, consultant of therapeutic communities of psychiatry, professor at the Bicocca University of Milan).

Complexity factors in therapeutic communities for adolescents, Claudio Bencivenga (psychologist, psychotherapist, professor at the University of Parma, head of therapeutic communities for adolescents, vice president of ATC).

Learning verification test.
Training project manager: Raffaella Bortino.
Seminar on adolescent developmental psychotherapy. The objective is to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the characteristics of the setting in psychological intervention with adolescents with behavior problems, in particular in institutional contexts.

Program and interventions
9.30-11.15. Evolutionary psychotherapy of adolescents from a general theoretical, clinical and technical point of view, first part.
11.30-13. Ibidem, second part. Alfio Maggiolini (psychologist, psychotherapist, professor of Psychology at the University of Milan-Bicocca).
14.40-17.15. The function of the group with adolescent offenders, Cristina Saottini (psychologist, psychotherapist, SPI psychoanalyst, group psychotherapist, ordinary supervising member of APG-COIRAG).
17.15-17.30. Learning verification test.
Training Project Manager: Raffaella Bortino. Seminar

Adolescents and institutions.
A meeting between two complexities. The event aims to offer the opportunity for training and updating on the complexity of the relationship between criminal action and educational action, highlighting the co-construction relationship that is established between legal action and institutional treatment action. It also aims to acquire knowledge on the subject of: plurality of adolescent cultures, relationship between different cultures and deviance.

Program and interventions
9.30-11. Criminal action - Educational action: Sense and reciprocity, Giuseppe Centomani (director of the Staff Training School of the Juvenile Justice Department of Castiglione delle Stiviere, director of the Center for Juvenile Justice of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta).

11.15-13. Between normality and deviance. Legality, illegality, justice and sanction in adolescent cultures, Franco Prina (professor of Sociology of deviance at the Department of Social Sciences of the University of Turin).
2.30pm-4pm. The open complexity of the justice system, Ennio Tomaselli (judge at the Juvenile Court of Turin).
16-17.30. Minors and the network: family, school, services, juvenile court, prison, Marta Lombardi (substitute public prosecutor at the juvenile court of Turin).
5.30pm-6pm. Learning verification testModerator: Mario Perini (director of the Nodo group, AIPSI psychoanalyst and organizational consultant, Turin).
Responsible for the Training Project: Raffaella Bortino.Seminar

Body and psyche

The event aims to provide the tools and knowledge on the subject of actions therapies capable of offering adolescents a space in which body language can be listened to and expressed. In this way, a means is offered to the adolescent to shift the scenario of his emotions from the inside to the outside.

Program and interventions
9.30-11. Film projection. An experience of group body therapy with adolescents, Isabelle Charpine Piscaglia, Loraine Bieler (psychiatrist and psychotherapist).
11.15-13. From sensation to perception, from body to psyche: a group body therapy experience with hospitalized adolescents, Isabelle Charpine Piscaglia, Loraine Bieler
14.30-17.30. Instinctual paths of adolescence: the body as a playground of the adolescent process and central element of this evolutionary stage, Aurora Venturini (psychiatrist and psychotherapist).
17.30-17.45. Learning verification test.Moderator: Mario Perini (director of the Nodo group, AIPSI psychoanalyst and organizational consultant, Turin).Responsible for the Training Project: Raffaella Bortino.Seminar
The use of mediationsWe propose an update on the different techniques that can be used in the therapeutic process through the use of mediations (role games, psychodrama).
The pedagogical method used consists in soliciting the active participation of the listeners starting from their personal experiences.

Program and interventions
9.30-11. Groups with role-playing games. Psychodrama, Marcel Sassolas (psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and senior member of the Society psychanalytique of Paris. He directed the medical service of the Association Santé Mentale et Communauté in Lyon).
11.15-13. The use of mediators, Augusto Consoli (surgeon, child neuropsychiatry, psychotherapist; director of the Service for Pathological Addictions, Local Health Authority 4).
14.30-17.30. The mediation groups, Jacques Hochmann (psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, member of the psychoanalytic society of Paris, president of the Group Lyonnais of Psychanalyse and senior director of the Institut de Psychannalyse of Lyon; specialist in institutional treatment and community psychiatry).
Moderator: Mario Perini (director of the Nodo group, AIPSI psychoanalyst and organizational consultant, Turin).
Head of the Training Project: Raffaella Bortino. Seminar on female drug addiction.
This seminar aims to offer the opportunity for an update on the problems relating to drug consumption by women , through an introductory framework on gender identity issues in relation to the specific paths that lead to the onset of drug use and their behavioral consolidation. Furthermore, it is intended to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on the subject of the evolution of jurisprudential orientations relating to the institution of family custody, psychological assessments, and care arrangements that favor the reunification of the mother with the child.

Program and interventions

9.30-11. Introductory framework on gender identity issues. Phenomenon of drug addiction. Paolo Stocco (psychologist, psychotherapist; professor at the School of Specialization in Clinical Criminology at the University of Modena; founder and director of the “Villa Renata” therapeutic community in Venice for the psychotherapeutic treatment of drug addicts).
11.15-13. Research analysis, Paolo Stocco
14.30-16. The condition of motherhood in drug-addicted women. Intervention models, Nicoletta Capra (psychologist, psychotherapist; manager of the “Aurora” Project, Residential service for drug-addicted women; supervisory consultant of the “Famiglie Insieme” educational service for children, Venice).
16-17.30. European models of good practices, Paolo Stocco

Psychotherapeutic treatment
The objective is to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on psychotherapeutic treatment regarding empathy and identification; the groups where we talk about words and the development of empathy; the caregiver's commitment to the therapeutic relationship.
FeedbackWeb result with site links
Program and interventions
9.30-11. The caregiver's commitment to the individual relationship. The part of narcissism (referring to Kohut's work), first part. Marcel Sassolas (psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and senior member of the Society psychanalytique of Paris. He directed the medical service of the Association Santé Mentale et Communauté in Lyon).
11.15-13. The caregiver's commitment to the individual relationship. The part of narcissism (referring to Kohut's work), second part. Marcel Sassolas
2.30pm-5.30pm. Groups "in which we talk" and development of empathy, Jacques Hochmann (psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, member of the Psychoanalytic Society of Paris, president of the Group Lyonnais des Psychanalyse and senior director of the Institut de Psychannalyse of Lyon; specialist in institutional treatment and of Community Psychiatry).
17.30-17.45. Learning verification test. Moderator: Mario Perini (director of the Nodo group, AIPSI psychoanalyst and organizational consultant, Turin).
Head of the Training Project: Raffaella Bortino.
Seminar Institutional work To acquire theoretical knowledge and updates on the subject of: analysis of clinical and healthcare epidemiological aspects in order to identify effective therapeutic factors for the construction of appropriate treatment paths. Structuring and training of a team aimed at caring for adolescents suffering from serious personality and behavioral disorders.

Program and interventions
9.30-11. Differentiation, articulation and narration in institutional work, Jacques Hochmann (psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, member of the Psychoanalytic Society of Paris, president of the Group Lyonnais des Psychanalyse and senior director of the Institut de Psychannalyse of Lyon; specialist in Institutional Treatment and Community Psychiatry).
11.15-13. Psychotic onset in developmental age: clinic, treatment path and outcome of the first acute delusional episode, Giancarlo Rigon (psychiatrist and child neuropsychiatrist, psychoanalyst; professor at the School of Specialization in Psychiatry and that of Neuropsychiatry at the University of Bologna; director of the Child Neuropsychiatry Operational Unit of the AUSL of Bologna).
14.30-17.30. Speaking acts and their use. Daily life and treatment, Marcel Sassolas (psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and senior member of the Society psychanalytique of Paris. He directed the medical service of the Association Santé Mentale et Communauté in Lyon).
5.30pm-5.45pm - Learning verification test. Moderator: Mario Perini (director of the Nodo group, AIPSI psychoanalyst and organizational consultant, Turin).
Head of the Training Project: Raffaella Bortino.
Seminar Suffering adolescents: how, when to intervene.
The event aims to offer an opportunity for training on adolescent problems and the possibilities of intervention. The main topics will be the treatment of psychosis, the diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders and the approach to raising a teenage child.
Relatori e interventi
Approccio alla psicosi, Lorenza Bolzani (psichiatra, psicoterapeuta, direttore sanitario della Clinica Viarnetto (Lugano), consulente e formatore presso “Villa Argentina”).
L’adolescente: la fatica di crescere, l’impotenza degli adulti. Come attraversare le zone grigie, Silvana Quadrino (psicoterapeuta della famiglia e didatta del CSTF di Milano, presidente dell’Istituto CHANGE di Torino).
I disturbi alimentari: la diagnosi, la cura, Fausto Manara (psichiatra, psicoterapeuta, presidente della società italiana per lo studio dei disturbi del comportamento alimentare, direttore del centro dei disturbi del comportamento alimentare degli Spedali Civili di Brescia).
Responsabile del Progetto Formativo: Raffaella Bortino.

There are no longer the drug addicts of the past.
The event aims to offer a possibility of reflection on the role of substances in our society, highlighting their different meanings and methods of intake with particular reference to the world of young people. It also intends to provide updates on the treatment of alcohol addiction, illustrating some strategies for preventing alcohol addiction in relation to the specificity of some substances among the new drugs.

Program and interventions
9.30-10. New styles of “non-problematic” consumption, Daniela Ostano (social worker, project manager “Esta Siesta Sì 2003”).
10-10.30. New users of the services, Luigi Arceri (professional educator, “Drop-in” manager)
10.45-11.15. Changes in patients and services, Rosanna Giulio (psychologist, head of the Emergency Assistance Service).
11.15-11.45. Concept of pathology and approach to treatment, Emanuele Bignamini (psychiatrist, director of UOA).11.45-13. Group work and conclusions in plenary.
14.15-14.45. Alcohol, an ancient drink, a new substance: cultural aspects and scientific acquisitions, Enrico Teta (psychiatrist, head of Presidio Lombardia).
14.45-15.15. Alcohol and young people: drink or drug? New styles of alcohol consumption, Bruno Sciutteri (internist doctor, head of Alcohol, Via Picchiotti Presidium).
15.15-15.45. Prevention in young people: what problems, what interventions, what tools, Maria Rosa Scafidi (internist doctor, head of Alcohol, Presidio Lombardia).1
6.00-17.30. Work in groups and conclusions in plenary
Head of the Training Project: Raffaella Bortino.
Seminar Basic therapeutic work in alcohol-related problems
The objective is to stimulate discussion around the treatment of the alcoholic person, and propose a reasoned path that aims to build a therapeutic project- healthcare from the perspective of a multidimensional approach.

Pier Luigi Allosio (psychologist, psychotherapist at the U.O.C SER.T. A.S.L. TO1, corporate coordinator of the Working Groups for Alcoholism, director of Simple Structure Alcoholism (districts 1,8,9,10); consultant of the Alcohol-Volunteering Commission of the Department to the Healthcare of the Piedmont Region).
Vanda Casali (surgeon specialized in infectious diseases. She has worked in the field of drug addiction and alcoholism since 1991).
Head of the Training Project: Raffaella Bortino.
Seminar: Suffering of children.
Parental suffering The objective of the event is to acquire theoretical knowledge on the subject of "psychology and psychotherapy of adolescence", to allow us to deepen and improve the therapeutic approach within a therapeutic community.

Speakers and Presentations
Suffering of Children. Suffering of Parents
, Didier Chartier (psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, former intern at the Psychiatric Hospitals of Seine, former consulting physician at the Mental Health Center of the M.G.E.N., General Mutual of National Education; deputy editor of “l’Evolution Psychiatrique”, president of the “Senso” Association).The Children's Room, Florence Mélèse (psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, former intern at the Psychiatric Hospitals of Seine, former assistant in the Psychiatric Services of the General Mutual of National Education, former medical director of the Medical-Psychological Center of Yvelines, former medical attaché at the C.H.S. of Mureaux, institutional analyst; former medical attaché C.E.R.E.P., consulting psychiatrist at the medical-psychopedagogical center for children and adolescents “Étiene Marcel”, member of the Psychoanalytical Association of France).Complex Pathologies and Family Suffering, Jacques Miermont (hospital psychiatrist, systemic psychoanalyst, coordinator of the Federation of Family Therapy Services, CHS Paul Guiraud, Villejuif, full member of the society “l’Evolution Psychiatrique”, president of the French Society of Family Therapy).Parents Ten Years Ago, Sophie Kecskemeti (psychiatrist, hospital practitioner, head of service at the Dupré Clinic, Foundation for Student Health in France, a specialized institution for treating the psychological disorders of adolescents and young adults; former physician at the Rueil Clinic, General Mutual of National Education; member of the editorial board of “l’Evolution Psychiatrique”).
Are Parents Responsible for Their Children's Suffering?, Vassilis Kapsambelis (psychiatrist, hospital practitioner, head of service at the Mental Health Association in the 13th district of Paris, Director of the l’Eau Vive Hospital; psychoanalyst, member of the Psychoanalytic Society of Paris, member of the editorial board of the “International Journal of Psychoanalysis”).
Moderator: Mario Perini (director of the Nodo group, AIPSI psychoanalyst and organizational consultant, Turin).
Project Coordinator: Raffaella Bortino.

Addictions Without Drugs. History and Theoretical Model
Currently, the suffering of drug addicts and alcoholics is at least recognized, if not adequately addressed. But what about those addicted to what is called “drug-free addiction”: passion, sex, and gambling, and of course, its new variants: video games and the Internet? In the United States, there are many therapeutic groups that operate on the model of Alcoholics Anonymous. In France, specialized consulting centers are beginning to welcome these new “addicts.” Drawing on their experience, the speakers invite reflection on the deep mechanisms of addiction and attachment. Where does addiction begin? To what extent should it be considered and treated as an illness?

Marc Valleur, France (psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, director of the Psychiatry Service at Marmottan Hospital, Paris; full member of the Ministerial Commission on Narcotics and Psychotropics. Author of numerous publications on addictions, the latest being the book Sexe, passion et jeu vidéo).
Nicola Cilla, Switzerland (psychologist, psychotherapist, member of the Swiss Federation of Psychologists, the Ticino Association of Psychologists and Psychotherapists, the Academy of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of Italian Switzerland, and the European Federation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy).
Paolo Jarre, Italy (medical doctor, director of the Department of Addiction Pathologies at ASL5 in Piedmont, director of the Ser.T “Dora Riparia”).
Project Coordinator: Raffaella Bortino.

About Transference within a Therapeutic Community for Adolescents and Young Adults
Rivalry, secrets, transference-countertransference, and violence. Family analogies? The aim of the event is to acquire manual, technical, and practical skills regarding therapeutic management within the therapeutic community and to improve relational and communicative abilities concerning the patient-family relationship and the patient’s relationship with the outside world.

Henri Danon-Boileau
(psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, head of the University Medical-Pedagogical Clinic for Adolescents, Duprè, Sceaux).
Ali Magoudi (psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, medical director of the Derpar Association, a Regional Institution for Adolescents. Responsible for implementing a national program for adolescents and families).Claude Orsel (psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, vice president of the FFA (French Federation for Addictions), the SFA, French Society for Alcoholism, and the Institute for Research and Teaching on Addiction-related Diseases, IREMA).
Project Coordinator: Raffaella Bortino.

Addiction as a Brain Disease
In this lecture, Dr. David E. Smith, founder of the Haight Ashbury Free Clinics in San Francisco, addresses the complex topic of substance addiction from various perspectives: comorbidity, effects of psychoactive substances on the brain, genetic bases of addiction, and therapeutic approaches to substance addiction (pharmacological, psychological, and sociological).
Working GroupDual Diagnosis and Substitute Substances
The therapeutic community Fermata d’Autobus, in collaboration with the Drug Addiction Service and the Mental Health Department of the Local Health Authority A.S.L. 4, has once again invited Professor David E. Smith, founder and director of the Haight Ashbury Free Clinics in San Francisco, to illustrate the project and working method of his facility, which has been treating comorbidity for years.

Dual Diagnosis and Substitute Substances
The therapeutic community Fermata d’Autobus, in collaboration with the Drug Addiction Service and the Mental Health Department of the Local Health Authority A.S.L. 4, has once again invited Professor David E. Smith, founder and director of the Haight Ashbury Free Clinics in San Francisco, to Torino to present the project and working method of his facility, which has been operating for years in the treatment of comorbidity.


Selection of Editorial Publications, Conference Proceedings, and Scientific Articles Related to Some of the Therapists Involved in Various Activities of the Community.

MADNESS, Substance Addiction, and the Needs of the Individual: Dual Diagnosis between Psychiatry and Addictions..
Amazon - Franco Angeli
Abuse: Testimonies from a Therapeutic Community

The content of this publication is organized into ten very brief narratives. Each consists of an image and a corresponding text. These are individual experiences of people who have endured suffering firsthand, who have suffered—against their will—and are sharing their stories. The reported facts are mediated by the editorial work, both in the scenic reconstruction of the photographic set and in the verbal composition. Only the names and places are fictionalized to protect their identities. On the other hand, losing oneself is the necessary condition for finding oneself.Along with the patients and their referring therapists, the following contributed to the creation of this publication: Carola Lorio and Giovanna Urgo, coordination; Guia Besana, photography. The texts and graphics are by Massimo Greco.
© 2012 Fermata d’Autobus, Turin (The production was made possible thanks to the generous contribution of S.D.T.)

Guido Brivio, Carola Lorio (edited by Massimo Greco), Aria di Torino. Atmospheres in CommunityThe texts in this publication are derived from the philosophical cafés conducted by the young people of Fermata d’Autobus with Guido Brivio; the images come from Carola Lorio's photography workshop. The working material has been recompiled and organized by Massimo Greco.
© 2012 Fermata d’Autobus, Turin (The production of these pages was made possible thanks to the generous contribution of L.N.).
Massimo Greco (edited by), Questa non è Fermata d’Autobus. Dialoghi filosofici con Guido Brivio, Fermata d’Autobus, Turin 2011
Elaborated in an almost dramatic form in the reduction by Massimo Greco, this publication is a testimony to the residents of Fermata's approach to philosophical practice as they question the search for meaning based on their own experiences. Philosopher Guido Brivio traces and reconstructs, together with them, in dialogical and communal ways, the characteristics of a chosen and shared idea or theme that varies each time: beauty, happiness, freedom, criticism, gift, friendship, eros, and philia.
New Criteria for the Therapeutic Programming of Patients with "Dual Diagnosis" in the Therapeutic Community "Fermata d’Autobus," Conference, Milan, September 30, 2011.
Speaker: Giovanna Urgo, see Appendix 4.

Raffaella Bortino, La creazione di un'atmosfera, Psychotropes, International Review of Substance Abuse and Addictions, 1/2011 vol. 17, see Appendix 3.
Methodology and Therapeutic Practice in the "Fermata d'Autobus" Therapeutic Community for Dual Diagnosis, Conference, Parma, November 22, 2010.

Speaker: Giovanna Urgo, see Appendix 2.
The Therapeutic Community: A Response to the Chaotic Fate of Addiction
Conference, Beauvais (France), May 19, 2010.
Speaker: Carlo Boggio, see Appendix 1.
Maricla Boggio, Raffaella Bortino, Francisco Mele, Il disincanto. Le patologie dell’abbondanza in una comunità terapeutica per doppia diagnosi, preface by Luigi Lombardi Satriani, Armando Editore, Rome 2006
(From the back cover) Raffaella Bortino, in dialogue with Francisco Mele and Maricla Boggio, outlines the therapeutic path that led her to work on dual pathology in a community for young drug addicts with severe personality disorders. Through stories of young people with tortured lives and the behaviors of therapists oscillating between selflessness and rejection, the current difficult moment is delineated within a healthcare and social context lacking adequate laws, funding, and, above all, moral purposes, where young people seem to renounce life and families entrust their children to structures that shuffle them from one to another. Numerous questions arise from the authors regarding an emergency situation that is essentially ignored by political and social institutions, both concerning the evident pathologies—those of the young people—and the latent or masked issues affecting families and the therapists themselves. What should be the State's policy in the field of mental health and addiction to avoid falling into dangerous and inhumane inconsistencies?
Alessandro Bonetti, Raffaella Bortino, Tossicodipendenza e doppia diagnosi: la relazione d’aiuto in Comunità, preface by Gian Carlo Zapparoli, with a contribution by Claude Olievenstein, Franco Angeli Edizioni, Milan 2005.

(From the back cover) This volume arises from the authors' experience at the Fermata d’Autobus Community, where drug addicts also present psychiatric disorders: the so-called patients with dual diagnosis. Although the need for an eclectic approach to the problems of these patients is usually emphasized, given their multifactorial nature, in clinical reality the choice of treatments often predominates based on a single interpretative theoretical model, which holds ideological significance for the practitioners.The authors have sought to overcome the difficulties that arise from this by proposing Gian Carlo Zapparoli's operational model of “functional integration,” according to which the choice of interventions by practitioners must stem from an understanding of the needs expressed by the patients and lead to specific and appropriate responses to them.The text aims to highlight the importance of translating this methodological choice into clinical practice: it also outlines a training pathway that encourages practitioners to adopt a perspective of understanding needs through an emotional engagement with the experience of the suffering individual and a technical capacity to address and maintain the specific object of need.(Franco Angeli)Maricla Boggio, Farsi male, scientific consultancy by Raffaella Bortino, presentation by Claude Olievenstein, Falzea Editore, Reggio Calabria 2001Written by Maricla Boggio after a long stay in a therapeutic community in Turin for young people with dual pathology, Farsi male is the result of an elaboration of life stories and clinical cases for which Raffaella Bortino, who treated them, provided scientific consultancy.Vera Zilzer, Attilia Cossio, L'ombrello a colori: Metodi, casi ed esperienze di arte-terapia – ADEG, Turin 1997
(From the back cover) This book is dedicated to therapists, educators, and anyone who wishes to use art and creativity in their professional and social fields. Interest in art therapies has been steadily growing since their effectiveness and appeal to many patients have been recognized. Art therapy involves caring for a person with the help of artistic language: in our case, the language of images. In the art therapist, creativity and artistic skills must be combined with knowledge of psychiatry and psychology, art history and aesthetics, as well as psychotherapeutic pathways. The authors of this volume did not intend to write a theoretical treatise but rather to narrate testimonies of an intervention method that reveals and activates being, freeing the expression of what is important for each creator. The reader will still find, between the lines, the theoretical assumptions underlying art therapy. The presentation of cases introduces a variety of experiences: those of psychotic children, young people with maladaptive behaviors and personality disorders, recovering drug addicts, individuals with Parkinson's disease, and adults whose illnesses have caused psychological distress and wounds. The expressiveness of healthy individuals is also discussed because art therapy can be beneficial for everyone, just like any experience of knowledge and growth.Raffaella Bortino, Gustavo Gamna, Anna Gilardi (edited by), Che cos’è l’arte terapia?, Proceedings of the II Study Day, AISCNV – ADEG, Turin 1985
(From the Summary)Art Therapy, Relationships:
Piero Benassi, Presentation;
Gustavo Gamna, From Psychopathology to Expression to Art Therapy: Our Experience;
Edith Kramer, What is Art Therapy?;
Gigliola Carretti, Training of the Art Therapist;
Romana Debeus, Art Therapy: The Art of Inventing a Therapy;
Silvia Rocco Farneti, What Guarantees for a Correct Intervention Methodology?;
A.M. Comazzi, P. Coppi, M. Smid, Talking About Death: Coerced Silence;
Ugo Amati, Rome – Ville – Jachère.Art Therapy, Theoretical Insights:
Beppe Bergamasco, Ulla Alasjarvi, Notes on Communication and Fiction;
G. Ba, S. Bellinzoni, S. Mungo, M. Peserico, Usefulness and Limits of Mandala Drawing by Psychiatric Patients;
G. Ba, G. Barengo, The Graser Test as a Tool for Psychodiagnostic and Psychodynamic Investigation within the Plastic and Figurative Arts Atelier of the Psychiatric Day Hospital;
G. Ba, S. Bellinzoni, F. Faccio, Graphic-Pictorial Production as a Transitional Area Between Patient and Art Therapist;
Wilma Cipriani, Cristina Lucchini, Relationship Between Art Therapy and Pedagogy: An Experience with Teachers in Verona;
Eva Crotti, Scribbling as an Expression Technique;
Piero Gilardi, Art and Art Therapy;
AA.VV., Report of the First Two-Year Study on Art Therapy;
Valerio Miroglio, Two Experiences of Art Therapy and Teaching;
Leonardo Mosso, The Absence of Imposed Form and the Experience of Structural Transformation as Pedagogy and Therapy;
Valerio Venuti, Children's Drawing and Therapeutic Project.Art Therapy, Case Analysis:
G. Ba, F. Faccio, Graphic Expression as an Organizational-Communicative Modality Between Forms of Thought at the Level of Primary and Secondary Processes;
Piero Benassi, Elisa Dedali, Experience of a Man: Total Existential Shipwreck;
Piero Lavarino, Franca Sarcina, Psychotherapy Between Word and Image;
Paolo Macario, Archaeology of a Psychosis;
Sergio Perini, Fausto Manara, The "Roso" Case: Clinical and Psychopathological Insights Through Observation of Graphic-Pictorial Expression;
Piergiorgio Prudenziato, Function and Technique of Collective Drawing;
M. Sartirana, A. Sordano; A. Taverna, U. Zamburru, Metaphor as Word: The Journey of the Symbol in an Art Therapy Group;
Giorgio Villa, Somatopsychic Catastrophe, Dream, and Creative Act.Art Therapy, Experiences in the Atelier:
G. Sirna, A. Torrisi, C. Calandra, An Art Therapy Atelier: Experience of the Social Service;
Enrico Lapenna, The Therapy of Creativity in Recovery Communities;
Paolo Menzio, The Gestural Atelier: A Proposal for Child Art Therapy Based on the Rediscovery of Gesture;
Silvia Rocco Farneti, Groups of Body Communication and Creativity as Therapeutic Support in Communities for Drug Addicts.
Dance Therapy – Elisa Guzzo Vaccarino, Dance Therapy.
Music Therapy – G. Ba, R. Contardi, R. Pavesi, P. Sibilio, The Non-Verbal Use of Voice: Perspectives in Music Therapy;
G. Ba, R. Pavesi, P. Sibilio, Psychomusical Techniques as Therapeutic Tools in the Rehabilitation of Psychiatric Patients.Gustavo Gamna, Raffaella Bortino, Attività espressive e terapie psichiatriche, Edizioni Minerva Medica, Turin 1982.

Piero Benassi
, Presentation;
Gustavo Gamna, From Psychopathology to Expression to Art Therapy: Our Experience;
Edith Kramer, What is Art Therapy?;
Gigliola Carretti, Training of the Art Therapist;
Romana Debeus, Art Therapy: The Art of Inventing a Therapy;
Silvia Rocco Farneti, What Guarantees for a Correct Intervention Methodology?;
A.M. Comazzi, P. Coppi, M. Smid, Talking About Death: Coerced Silence;
Ugo Amati, Rome – Ville – Jachère.Art Therapy, Theoretical Insights:
Beppe Bergamasco, Ulla Alasjarvi, Notes on Communication and Fiction;
G. Ba, S. Bellinzoni, S. Mungo, M. Peserico, Usefulness and Limits of Mandala Drawing by Psychiatric Patients;
G. Ba, G. Barengo, The Graser Test as a Tool for Psychodiagnostic and Psychodynamic Investigation Within the Plastic and Figurative Arts Atelier of the Psychiatric Day Hospital;
G. Ba, S. Bellinzoni, F. Faccio, Graphic-Pictorial Production as a Transitional Area Between Patient and Art Therapist;
Wilma Cipriani, Cristina Lucchini, Relationship Between Art Therapy and Pedagogy: An Experience with Teachers in Verona;
Eva Crotti, Scribbling as an Expression Technique;
Piero Gilardi, Art and Art Therapy;
AA.VV., Report of the First Two-Year Study on Art Therapy;
Valerio Miroglio, Two Experiences of Art Therapy and Teaching;
Leonardo Mosso, The Absence of Imposed Form and the Experience of Structural Transformation as Pedagogy and Therapy;
Valerio Venuti, Children's Drawing and Therapeutic Project.Art Therapy, Case Analysis:
G. Ba, F. Faccio, Graphic Expression as an Organizational-Communicative Modality Between Forms of Thought at the Level of Primary and Secondary Processes;
Piero Benassi, Elisa Dedali, Experience of a Man: Total Existential Shipwreck;
Piero Lavarino, Franca Sarcina, Psychotherapy Between Word and Image;
Paolo Macario, Archaeology of a Psychosis;
Sergio Perini, Fausto Manara, The "Roso" Case: Clinical and Psychopathological Insights Through Observation of Graphic-Pictorial Expression;
Piergiorgio Prudenziato, Function and Technique of Collective Drawing;
M. Sartirana, A. Sordano; A. Taverna, U. Zamburru, Metaphor as Word: The Journey of the Symbol in an Art Therapy Group;
Giorgio Villa, Somatopsychic Catastrophe, Dream, and Creative Act.Art Therapy, Experiences in the Atelier:
G. Sirna, A. Torrisi, C. Calandra, An Art Therapy Atelier: Experience of the Social Service;
Enrico Lapenna, The Therapy of Creativity in Recovery Communities;
Paolo Menzio, The Gestural Atelier: A Proposal for Child Art Therapy Based on the Rediscovery of Gesture;
Silvia Rocco Farneti, Groups of Body Communication and Creativity as Therapeutic Support in Communities for Drug Addicts.
Dance TherapyElisa Guzzo Vaccarino, Dance Therapy.
Music TherapyG. Ba, R. Contardi, R. Pavesi, P. Sibilio, The Non-Verbal Use of Voice: Perspectives in Music Therapy;
G. Ba, R. Pavesi, P. Sibilio, Psychomusical Techniques as Therapeutic Tools in the Rehabilitation of Psychiatric Patients.Gustavo Gamna, Raffaella Bortino, Expressive Activities and Psychiatric Therapies, Minerva Medica Editions, Turin 1982.
(from the cover flap) This book is the result of a long research process that began in 1975 and continued until 1982. It presents an overview of the application of expressive activities as therapeutic means in the field of psychiatry. The work conducted in ateliers and other facilities, both public and private, in various European countries, America, and other nations is reported. In the second part, several examples of this work are developed with contributions from Gustavo Gamna, Gigliola Carretti Chessa, M. Dolci, Raffaella Bortino, G. Gasca, Ulla Alasjarvi, Beppe Bergamasco, Piero Gilardi, and G. Rattalino. This is followed by a brief theoretical commentary on art therapy and a mention of some practical issues associated with it, closing the volume, which is particularly aimed at animators, psychiatric operators, and other social service workers, teachers, and anyone interested in new alternatives in this field of applied study.