care pathway

Fermata d’Autobus,
for the treatment of adults with dual diagnoses.

Fragole Celesti
Apartment groups
La Perche - Home in the Berry

The Fermata d'Autobus Association offers hospitality and care to those who present a frame of psychological and mental distress accompanied by forms of pathological addiction. Pathological addictions can have different forms: drug addiction, alcoholism, emotional addiction, gambling
addiction, internet, eating disorders but all of them are nothing more than the consequence, or rather, the symptom, of a deeper disorder.
This is why we speak of "double diagnosis"; because often those who access the therapeutic program at Fermata d’Autobus have psychiatric disorders, more or less serious, resulting in forms of addiction.
As every form of addiction has its own origin and
cause, those who stop at oFermata d’Autobus has its own history, unique and peculiar, regardless of the psychopathological condition it presents.
Fermata d'Autobus, through a flexible working methodology and the development of specific paths, aims not only to heal the wounds opened bypathological addiction but understanding its causes, to mend the edges of life torn by deeper traumas.

The mission

The objective of Fermata d'Autobus is to help people affected by forms of addiction to achieve greater self-awareness and their own ways of relating, to correct fragility and self- and other-harming habits and, therefore, to assist them in learning strategies non-destructive that improve the quality of life. The integrated approach to the complexity of the user is expressed in a therapeutic intervention that ranges from a health level to a pedagogical-rehabilitative level to a psychological one, integrating these different levels and seeking a balance between them. Guests who decide to stop in "Fermata d'Autobus ” arrive with enormous wounds, they are fragile, we could say almost without skin. What Fermata d'Autobus tries to do is recreate a new skin: flexible, soft, but very containing, which helps them heal.