
Fermata d'Autobus, alongside specific interventions aimed at users of therapeutic facilities, creates and maintains various initiatives for the benefit of the community, characterized by a commitment to inclusion, empowerment, and investment in individuals.

Dr Diego Carlo Valsania

Project Planning
and Grant Coordinator
Project Manager

331 214

Ongoing Projects

Luna Nuova. Un rifugio per ricominciare Project

Project funded by the Municipality of Turin and the Compagnia di San Paolo (D.G.C. n. 768 of 30.11.2023 and D.D. 7357/2023).

Project Leader: Fermata d’Autobus Associazione Onlus
Project Partners:
I Diritti di Emma Cooperativa Sociale, Associazione Culturale Gliacrobati, Forme In Bilico APS.In co-design with the Municipality of Turin.

Implementation period:
August 2024 – ongoing

The project is part of the network of public and private entities in the Municipality of Turin, which includes Fermata d’Autobus and the I Diritti di Emma Cooperativa Sociale, who have been working for years on the prevention of gender-based violence and managing situations where, unfortunately, violence has occurred. In this context, the project aims to manage a Safe House provided by the City of Turin, at a confidential address, with the general goal of ending violence against women by offering temporary shelter in a protected place. The project ensures women can access physical, social, educational, and psychological support. The facility can accommodate up to 10 women at a time. If necessary, accommodation for minors can be arranged, subject to joint technical evaluation and in compliance with current legislation.

Beneficiaries: Women victims of abuse, violence, and exploitation, both Italian and foreign, residing or domiciled in Turin, who may also have issues related to drug addiction, new addictions, mental/psychiatric disorders, or disabilities.

Virtual Gallery PNRR Project

Project carried out as part of the PNRR, Mission 1 "Digitalization, Innovation, Competitiveness, Culture and Tourism," Component 3 "Tourism and Culture 4.0," Area 3 "Cultural and Creative Industry 4.0" - funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU.

Project Leader: Fermata d’Autobus
Project Partner:
Gliacrobati Associazione Culturale
Implementation Period:
October 2023 – ongoing

The project aims to create Virtual Galleries, three-dimensional computer-generated spaces that resemble real environments, allowing users to navigate virtually. This immersive experience is offered through 3D 360° videos accessible from any screen, and with a 3D headset, it provides access to a captivating virtual reality. Within this space, individual and collective exhibitions will be displayed, and virtual visitors will be able to approach individual creations and obtain information (video interviews with the artist, descriptions of the artwork with subtitles, making-of videos, and photos of the creation process). The works will be registered using an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) system to protect intellectual property and ensure the authenticity of the product.

Below is the link to access the Virtual Gallery portal:

Coltivare Abilità Project

Project realized with the contribution of the 8x1000 Waldensian Church

Project Leader: Fermata d’Autobus
Project Partners: Gliacrobati Associazione Culturale, Forme in Bilico APS, Oglianico 360 APS, Arte Pura Association, La Rondine Social Cooperative, Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation.
Implementation Period: October 2023 – ongoing

The project, curated by Tea Taramino, aims to combat stigma against individuals with mental health issues and disabilities through shared artistic, craft, and agricultural practices that promote social inclusion and provide access to culture for everyone. Another objective is to develop the ability to care for oneself and the environment to cultivate personal skills and productive interpersonal relationships with the community, thereby enhancing overall well-being.

Un percorso di espansione e spaesamento dello sguardo Project

Project realized with the ESPONENTE Call, launched by the CRT Foundation

Project Leader: Forme in Bilico APS
Project Partners: Fermata d’Autobus, Gliacrobati Associazione Culturale, Educational Department of the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Fondazione, Education Department of GAM of the Fondazione Torino Musei, Stilema s.r.l., Tactile Vision.

The project, curated by Tea Taramino and Bianca Tosatti, features an exhibition path with two solo shows to highlight two outsider artists who experience social withdrawal: Mauro Gottardo and Fabrizio Roccatello. The aim is to create a broad cultural, participatory, and inclusive process by offering young people and adults a knowledge and training path that encompasses both marginal artistic practices and official ones, actively involving teachers and students from the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts, the Polytechnic, and the University of Turin, as well as experts from various disciplines and accessibility fields. The accessibility aspect will be designed according to Universal Design principles, with the consultancy of Tactile Vision Onlus. In collaboration with the Education Departments of GAM in Turin and the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, individuals with disabilities and mental health issues, educators, and high school students will also be involved in the training and cultural mediation process to provide initiatives for uncovering and enhancing otherwise hidden talents.

GAP (Gambling Addiction Problems) Project

Implementation Period: 2018 – ongoing
The project, carried out by Fermata d’Autobus, has been included in the Piano Locale delle Dipendenze of ASL TO5 since 2018 and targets individuals with gambling addiction and their families.

Specifically, the project includes: weekly group meetings with individuals struggling with gambling addiction who are receiving care from the ASL TO5 territorial services; bi-weekly group meetings with the families of individuals with gambling addiction; preliminary meetings with new participants in the groups, arranged in agreement with the referring service; participation in the coordination meetings of ASL TO5; and the design and implementation of a film forum focused on the topic of problem gambling, aimed at engaging and raising awareness among both players and their families involved in the groups.

Participation in the "Crescere in Città" Catalog

Implementation Period: Academic Year 2023-2024

Fermata d’Autobus participates with 4 project proposals in the "CRESCERE IN CITTÀ 2023-2024" Catalog. The proposals, which range from music therapy to art therapy and active citizenship, are aimed at primary and secondary schools in the City of Turin.

Link to the "Crescere in Città" catalog:

Program - Mobility of Adult Learners and Staff

Project funded through the Erasmus+ Call under KA121
– Adult Education sector, Mobility of Educators and Learners.

Fermata d’Autobus participated in and won the selection as accredited entities for the implementation of Erasmus programs, serving as the lead organization of the Consortium, which includes Gliacrobati Associazione Culturale (Turin), Forme in Bilico A.P.S. (Turin), Brikke Brakke Cooperativa Sociale (Livorno), Daedalos A.P.S. (Bologna), and Atelier Blu Cammello (Livorno). Among the mobilities carried out, there was the Art Residence in Bonn, Brühl, Cologne, and Düsseldorf, where the following artistic workshops were held: Light Painting, focusing on light, body awareness, and painting; Corpografie, on drawing, traces, self-expression, and body awareness; and Me and the Space, reflecting on and sharing experiences to date and converting them into artistic documentation.

Intrecci di Psichiatria di Comunità.
Gli archive dei protagonist della rivoluzione psichiatrica
piemontese Project

Project realized thanks to the AVVISO PUBBLICO DI FINANZIAMENTO PER L’ANNO 2023 - LEGGE REGIONALE 11/2018: Invito alla presentazione della domanda di contributo a sostegno di programmi di Conservazione, descrizione, catalogazione e digitalizzazione di archivi e patrimonio documentale per l’anno 2023, promoted by the Piedmont Region (Italy).

Project Leader:
Leader: Associazione per la Lotta contro le Malattie Mentali Onlus
Project Partners:
Partners: Fermata d’Autobus Onlus; Cooperativa Il Margine; La Nuova Cooperativa; Progetto Muret Cooperativa Sociale; Cooperativa Il Sogno di una Cosa; Fondazione Istituto Piemontese Antonio Gramsci Onlus.
In collaboration with the Department of Historical Studies, University of Turin.
Implementation Period: June 2023 - July 2024.

An intervention is proposed on 6 archives that significantly contribute to the Piedmontese history of overcoming psychiatric hospitals, as well as the experimentation and development of new mental health practices and services: Associazione per la Lotta contro le Malattie Mentali Onlus, Fermata d’Autobus Onlus; Cooperativa Il Margine; La Nuova Cooperativa; Progetto Muret Cooperativa Sociale; Cooperativa Il Sogno di una Cosa

(CUR)ARTE Project

Project realized with the contribution of the City of Turin, LINEE GUIDA SALUTE, POLITICHE SOCIALI E ABITATIVE ANNO 2023 - Divisione Servizi Sociali, Socio Sanitari, Abitativi e Lavoro - Servizio Promozione della Sussidiarietà e della Salute

Project Leader:
Fermata d’Autobus Onlus.
Project Partners:
Gliacrobati Associazione Culturale; Forme in Bilico APS.
Implementation Period:
July 2023 - June 2024.

The project proposes an intervention focused on the continuation and activation of artistic-expressive workshops in art therapy, photo art therapy, music therapy, and ceramics within the therapeutic structures of Fermata d'Autobus. Concurrently, awareness and outreach actions are planned throughout the project duration, including the distribution of the book "(“Abuse. Testimonies from a therapeutic community”) published in Italian and English by Vecchiarelli Publisher - Rome.

Seminare Nuovi Immaginari Project

Project realized with the contribution of the Piedmont Region, Avviso Pubblico di Finanziamento Legge regionale 11/2018, art. 35 - Iniziative di promozione delle attività espositive per il triennio 2022/2024.

Project Leader: Fermata d’Autobus Onlus.
Project Partners: Gliacrobati Associazione Culturale; Forme in Bilico APS; Artenne Associazione Culturale (for the year 2023); Oglianico 360 APS (for the year 2024).
Implementation Period: January 2023 - ongoing.

Conceived and curated by Tea Taramino and Roberto Mastroianni, in collaboration with Chiara Borgaro, Gianluigi Mangiapane, and Gaetano Verde. Historical and critical consultancy by Francesco Poli. The project draws on years of experience in implementing artistic projects, including those of international scope, that address contemporary issues with particular sensitivity towards individual fragilities and social challenges, irregular art and outsider art, crisis areas, and the environment. Great emphasis is placed on building synergies between the public and private sectors to activate energies, stimulate innovative visions, and initiate actions that support action-research on themes of inclusion, cohesion, individual and public health, particularly through art and the enhancement of irregular art heritage.

seminare nuovi immaginari

Una Casa per l’Artista Cosimo Cavallo Project

Project realized thanks to the "Piano di Inclusion Sociale" of the City of Turin - Area 5 "Actions and Network Interventions for the Social Inclusion of Citizens in Conditions of Extreme Marginality" in the years 2020, 2021, and 2023.

The project allows for the continued hospitality of the artist Cosimo Cavallo, known artistically as Fabio Elettroni, within the spaces of Fermata d'Autobus. The association takes care of the artist's work preservation, provides spaces and materials for his artistic production, and organizes dedicated exhibitions.

Percorsi di Empowerment di Comunità Project

Project realized with the contribution of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Minister for Disabilities (Italy) – and submitted as part of the public co-design notice pursuant to d.g.c. no. 742/2023 for the participation of the City of Turin in the ministerial notice for access to the fund for inclusive suburbs - Axis 2 - Actions on the context that foresee pathways for community activation and empowerment.

Project Leader: Associazione per la Lotta contro le Malattie Mentali Onlus.
Project Partners:
Fermata d’Autobus Onlus; Gliacrobati Associazione Culturale; Star Kombat S.S.D A.R.L.; ASL City of Turin – DSM – SC Psychiatry ROT North East.
Implementation Period:
June 25, 2024 – November 24, 2025.

The project identifies 200 individuals as direct beneficiaries of the intervention (including both people with disabilities or distress— the project’s target group— and those who do not fall within the specific target of the intervention). Of these 200 individuals, the goal is to involve 150 people with disabilities or those experiencing forms of social and psychological distress. The activities carried out through the project are aimed at fostering community empowerment through prevention actions (enriching, healthy, and prosocial activities), addressing distress (qualified listening and support aimed at developing empowerment), and reducing the development of pathological dependencies as an illusory relief and escape from emotional pain.

Completed Projects

Per Arte e Per Lavoro Project

Project carried out thanks to the PON METRO REACT EU TURIN Public Call - DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITY NETWORKS FOR INCLUSION Axis 7 - measure TO7.1.1.a

Project leader: Fermata d'Autobus
Project partner:
Gliacrobati Associazione Culturale, Forme in Bilico APS
Period of implementation:
December 2021 – November 2023

The project allowed the activation of training internships in the field of art and in particular courses in preparation for the work of gallery assistant, laboratory assistant and curatorship assistant, specifically aimed at fragile subjects reported by the territorial services. For those who intend to make their art their occupation, artistic professionalization paths have been launched within the context of the Gliacrobati Collective in order to bring out their talent and work on its refinement. Finally, the project carried out actions regarding the promotion and protection of artistic productions by authors on the margins of the official art system, people with disabilities and in situations of psychological and social fragility.

L'Arte che nutre la Speranza Project

Project carried out thanks to the funding received through the LINEE GUIDA SALUTE, POLITICHE SOCIALI E ABITATIVE ANNO 2022 della Città di Torino - Divisione Servizi Sociali, Socio Sanitari, Abitativi e Lavoro - Servizio Promozione della Sussidiarietà e della Salute.

Project leader: Forme in Bilico APSProject partners: Fermata d'Autobus, Gliacrobati Associazione Culturale, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Cooperativa Sociale La Rondine, Cooperativa Sociale Mirafiori, Associazione Insieme APS
Period of implementation: July 2022 - June 2023

The project aimed to support a path aimed at adding some possibilities for women victims of violence to build a new story for themselves, breaking the barriers of the fear of living, through tools such as: art therapy, performance, expression artistic and visual art to create together new forms of reflection, alliance, communication and action that are alternatives to oppressive personal experiences, while at the same time raising awareness among citizens. The initiative took place in close collaboration/verification with the Anti-Violence Centres, starting from that of the City of Turin and the designated associations.

DEEP ACTS European Project

DEEP ACTS (Developing Emotional Education Pathways and Art Centered Therapy Services Against Gender Violence), is a project financed by the European "Rights, Equality and Citizenship" program organized in the two-year period 2020-2022 in Italy, Portugal and Spain with meetings, workshops, conferences, shows, videos, exhibitions and events.

Project leader: Fermata d'Autobus
Project partners:
 RUMBOS Cooperative (Spain), Nuovo Comitato il Nobel per i Disabili (Italy), Portuguese theater company ASTA (Portugal), ​​Associatione Nuovi Linguaggi (Italy), ASEDEM – Spanish Association of Emotional Education (Spain) and AIM – Association of Intercultural Mediators (Romania).

The main objective of the project was to offer innovative methods and specific work tools, which involve the use of art therapy and emotional education, to professionals and organizations working in the prevention of gender violence. The project allowed also the creation of the Outsider Art festival “Sono Altro, Sono Altrove”.

For further information:


rassegna singolare e plurale Project

Project carried out thanks to the VivoMeglio tender, announced by the CRT Foundation.

Project leader: Artenne Associazione Culturale. Project partners: Fermata d'Autobus, Gliacrobati Associazione Culturale, Forme in Bilico APS, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Cooperativa Sociale La Rondine.
Period of implementation: September 2022 - August 2023

The project promoted cultural initiatives and research projects with the arts at the center understood as a driver of change, personal growth, public health and cultural welfare. Project conceived and activated by the City of Turin since 2008, with the support of the CRT Foundation, Singolare e Plurale, it is an opportunity not to lose track of what is happening in the city, in the region, in Italy and in the world, keeping active and the vast network built between the Municipality, schools, universities, foundations, museum education departments, associations and social cooperatives is connected. An active community that in more than thirty years has been able to make Turin a unique city on the Italian and perhaps international scene through a program - accessible and free - of exhibitions, workshops and conferences with the awareness that the path to building more cohesive and happier societies must pass through culture.

Other European Erasmus+ Projects

Erasmus+ program “ETHIC”: a total of 5 mobilities and the planned activities were carried out.
Erasmus+ program "Viaggio in Europa" the program saw the mobility of groups made up of operators and residents both in Spain and in Portugal.

EMORURAL. Emotional Education for the Prevention and Intervention of Addiction in Young People in Rural Areas European Project

Project carried out thanks to the Erasmus+ call within the scope of KA210- YOU - Small partnership in youth, year 2022

Project leader: ASEDEM - Spanish Association of Emotional Education (Spain) Project partner: Fermata d'Autobus (Italy), AIM – Association of Intercultural Mediators (Romania).
Implementation period: March 2023 – May 2024

The project, lasting one year, has the following objectives: to prevent risk factors associated with addictive behavior in young people and their families; promote the creation of an associative fabric in working with young people as a protection factor and in continuity with non-formal education actions; promote, through Emotional Education, protective factors for prevention; intervene for the acquisition of emotional skills and consequently promote emotional well-being. The focus of the intervention is placed on rural areas and, for Italy, Fermata d'Autobus dealt with the context analysis and planning of interventions in the town of Rivarolo Canavese.

Monumenta Italia Project

Public art project by Irene Pittatore, curated by Lisa Parola and Tea Taramino

Presented by Fermata d'Autobus Onlus, with the support of: Regional Council of Piedmont and Regional Women's Council of Piedmont and Forme in bilico APS. With the patronage of the Piedmont Regional Council and the City of Turin.

With the support of: Associazione Flashback, Associazione Recontemporary, Centro Studi e Documentazione Pensiero Femminile APS, Torino Città per leDonne APS, Centro Antiviolenza e Centro Arte Singolare e Plurale della Città di Torino, Infra.To – Infrastrutture per la mobilità

The artistic project aimed to create awareness regarding the paucity of monuments dedicated to women: an opportunity for civic reflection on the urban artistic heritage, on what it means to talk about monumentality, memory and heritage with respect to the history of women. The project took place in the first half of 2024 through a series of initiatives and events that involved a heterogeneous citizenry, with particular attention to women, teachers, students, second generation young people, children and families.

Download the catalogue


Networking is one of the fundamental objectives of the Association: below are some of the organizations with which Fermata d'Autobus has started a collaboration.

Gliacrobati Associazione Culturale
Oglianico 360 APS
Forme in Bilico APS
Sp4zio Giovani, Famiglie, Gruppi APS
Associazione per la Lotta Contro le Malattie Mentali Onlus
I diritti di Emma, Cooperativa Sociale, dalla libertà all'autonomia
Artenne Associazione Culturale
Associazione Arteco
Associazione Spagnola di Educazione Emozionale – ASEDEM
Associazione Mediatori Interculturali – AIM

Fermata d'Autobus participates in the following networks:

Coordinamento Nazionale Comunità Accoglienti – CNCACoordinamento Enti Ausiliari Piemonte – CEAPIFederazione Nazionale Strutture Comunitarie Psicoterapeutiche - FENASCOPCoordinamento Contro la Violenza sulle Donne – CCVDAgenda della Disabilità