ERASMUS+ projects

European project Deep Acts: emotional education and art therapy against gender-based violence.

With the two kick-off meetings held on June 16 and 17, 2020, in Turin and on June 23 and 24 in Seville, the project “DEEP ACTS - Developing Emotional Education Pathways and Art-Centered Therapy Services against Gender Violence” was launched. This initiative is funded by the European program “Rights, Equality and Citizenship” and managed by a transnational partnership of organizations operating in Italy, Portugal, and Spain. The goal of the project is to provide innovative methods and specific working tools that involve the use of art therapy and emotional education for professionals and organizations working in the prevention of gender-based violence.

From June 2020 to June 2022, activities will take place in Italy, Portugal, Spain, and online, including meetings, workshops, conferences, performances, videos, exhibitions, and events. Between September 29 and October 5, two workshops are scheduled, primarily aimed at the operators of the project partners, where the findings of research conducted since June will be discussed, along with an exchange of best practices and new learnings.

An emotional education workshop, organized by the RUMBOS Cooperative from Seville, will be held in a mixed format (online and in-person) in Mairena del Aljarafe, Seville province, from September 29 to October 1. An experiential workshop on art therapy, organized by the Turin-based association Fermata d'Autobus, will take place in person in Bologna from October 3 to 5.

Incontro del 10-11/11/2022
a Reggio Calabria

La dottoressa Stefania Penante durante la giornata
di divulgazione e formazione per gli addetti ai lavori,
si ringraziano:
l'Associazione Piccola Opera Papa Giovanni per gli spazi messi a disposizione,
il gruppo di lavoro Deep Acts per l'imporatante lavoro di sensibilizzazione che sta portando avanti.


Incontro del 16-17/11/2022
a Heidelberg, Germania

Il Dottor Nazzareno Vasapollo con la Dottoressa Raffaella Bortino che presenta il lavoro svolto di Arteterapia nel progetto Europeo contro la violenza di genere.
Hanno inoltre partecipato al workshop l’Associazione Rumbos (Spagna) che si occupa di educazione emozionale e la Dottoressa Egle Demaria Presidente dell’Associazione Fermata D’Autobus.